The South American Mandala: The Despacho | The School of Shamanic Initiation

The despacho ritual can be performed in South America on any day of the year, in many different ocassions and is most commonly performed as a practice that honor the Pachamama representing Mother Earth and the natural world. The despacho is made in gratitude for a particular event, such as when there has been rainfall during the rainy season or when crops have grown well. It can also be used to thank Pachamama for health, happiness, and wellbeing of the community. 

Some items that can be used: 

  1. grain of maize (female or male)

  2. flowers 

  3. grains of quinoa 

  4. coca leaves 

  5. alcohol -liquor

  6. wrapping paper 

  7. cotton

  8. candy

  9. sugar

  10. fruits 

  11. tobacco

  12. and many many more...

For example, some communities use smoke from cigarettes or coca leaves as a form of prayer. The person offers the despacho to "Pachamama" and places it on special rocks known as Apachetas, found along roadsides. 

Sometimes they burn or do not burn the despacho. It can be burnt in certain regions though. No matter which Andean region people live in, they all honor Pachamama with this beautiful living prayer. We can say that a despacho is a ritualized gift that includes a variety of items that serve as symbols to communicate messages to the realm of energy who receive it. 

Understand that there are many types of despachos depending on: 

  1. their purpose, 

  2. occasion, 

  3. season, 

  4. goal or 

  5. who they are sent to. 

A despacho can be for things such as gratitude, protection, petitions, cleansing, purification, love, healing etc. 

Some example of different meanings making despachos:

  1. Despacho of love. To build a closer bond between two people who care about each other.

  2. Despacho to ask for a favor. To invoke help from a certain situation, to ask assistance to a guardian spirit, to Pachamama or the mountains.
    Despacho of peace. To arrive at a mutually solution without creating additional difficulties for people in an intimate connection.

  3. Despacho of gratitude. To be grateful for what it has been given to the community, to reciprocate for a good year of harvest. 

  4. Despacho of Rain. To ask for an abundance of water so it can fertilize the soil. 

  5. Despacho to the Apu. To connect with the wisdom of the Mountain and receive messages.

  6. Despacho to the Mamacocha. To connect with the wisdom of the Ocean or lake and receive messages from the subtle realm.

We have to remember this is a bridge that is used in this ancient traditions, you put energetic structures to move, every despacho has its own consequences if not performed correctly. One should never make despachos with harmful intent or hatred towards another person. 

Despachos are almost always motivated by good and positive intentions. Another crucial guideline when creating a despacho is that it has to flow and created by your intuition, you may not remove anything from it, even if you don't like it or change your mind. Creating are by releasing control and perfection. It is already perfect. 


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