What is Initiation? | The School of Shamanic Initiation

Initiation is a primal idea that goes back to the earliest records of history of human kind. Initiation can be found in all cultures around the world and has deep roots throughout human society. Initiation means different things depending on the time, culture, teachings, rites, but there are some common threads that appear across many initiation rituals; these include, for example, religious rites, coming-of-age ceremonies.  

Initiation often deals with death and rebirth as part of its symbolism. Many times this represents leaving behind childish ways or ignorance (death) so one may grow into an adult role within their community (rebirth). 

There seems to be no complete answer as to why humans engage in initiations at certain points in their lives because there are so many different answers depending on the culture and society. 

Initiation has been used in ceremonies to bring someone closer to their god or gods. Initiation can be a part of everyday life since is deeply rooted into human history and collective unconsciousness and will continue being an important aspect of growth throughout our lives. 

Initiation is a process that has to be walked and like anything else in life, we learn from our mistakes and experiences. This can be viewed as an attempt to guide or shape the individual into their self -awareness; it prepares them by helping them gain control and understanding over themselves and set order on their behavior, thoughts, emotions and feelings. Initiation has been used ceremoniously, all of these rites of passage have had one thing in common, they are meant to help people grow within themselves and the world that surrounds them. 

Initiation requires learning and adapting to new information. Release the old and welcome the new.  Initiation is the act of consciously becoming aware of our own existence. Taking a position as a Human Being. To begin or start something with confidence. It comes from deep within us all because it's connected with who we are on a fundamental level; it serves to:

  • teach ourselves self responsibility, 

  • preparing socially, mentally, spiritually & physically for what lies and we choose in life. 

Initiation is an Initiation into the Human Condition to reach our Human Nature. It is time to re-learn Initiation in our own modern culture. This will provide rites of passage which help make individuals enter a process that helps us in life, both as individuals and society.

Becoming aware that we are human beings in this planet Earth. Initiation begins with you! 

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