Your Energetic Centers - Chakras | The School of Shamanic Initiation

Sanskrit word for wheel or disk. Chakras are energetic centers within our bodies that control different aspects of mental, physical and spiritual body. They are located in different áreas within our body and have specific functions related to these locations. There are many of Chakras, the best known are seven major ones: Root Chakra - located at the base of spine Sacral Chakra - located near lower abdomen Solar Plexus Chakra – located above navel Heart Chakra - located in center of chest Throat Chakra - located at neckline Third Eye Chakra – located between eyebrows Crown Chakras - Located on top of head.

When you think about each one they may seem like a metaphor for something else but it's important that you understand what opening or closing them can do for you on an individual level because when they are open then everything flows through them organically rather than being blocked by energy created from stress or other mental blocks which can cause tension headaches, stomach issues, etc.

Chakras can be activated by meditation, yoga postures, chanting mantras , dancing, or breathing techniques. There are many cleansing rituals like bathing and cleansing ceremonies, sounds baths as well as food items like plants and herbs, teas etc.,

Cleansing Your Chakras with Sound

To cleanse your chakras, a good way to start is by using sound. Chakras are all about vibration and so this process will help to align these energetic centers. The following steps provide a ritual for cleansing your chakras with sound:

  1. Sit comfortably on the floor or bed with some pillows behind you if needed 

  2. Choose relaxing music or nature sounds.

  3. Close your eyes and take deep breaths through your nose allowing them to fully expand in and out of your body as they release any stress and tension along their path until there's nothing left. Take your time.

  4. On your next inhale, imagine a vibrant light filled with love entering your body as you breathe through the nose. Use your creative visualization to go through each energetic center. 

  5. As you exhale let all of that stuff go out along with any energy or feeling from within yourself you want to release. 

  6. Do it before bedtime to put yourself in a relaxed state for sleep .

When Chakras are out of alignment, they can lead to physical and mental health issues. Make sure to keep them in check, learning from these energetic center is a whole process, remember your emotions play a big role so don't be afraid or ashamed if you feel the need to cry, laugh etc., it's good for you. Take time everyday just focus on yourself ! Give value to yourself , sit down with some hot tea, read a book, exercise. 

Smile, laugh and go slowly. 

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