Clarity when it comes to your life choices

The School of Shamanic Initiation

I was so excited and nervous at the same time to go on the plant medicine weekend. One of my intentions was clarity on life choices. I was looking for some guidance for my future steps.

This would be my first experience in this type of retreat, and I wasn't sure what to expect. Fortunately the organizers provided me with plenty of information along the way, this helped me to feel confident and prepared. I had heard these healing alternatives could help relieve stress, anxiety but I didn't know how much better it could make me feel. When the day arrived, my heart felt so light as we made our way up into the beautiful countryside property where this retreat would take place.

The view of nature all around us was breathtaking and before long we were at the ceremony space overlooking the trees in front of us. It's hard not to appreciate something like that when you're surrounded by beauty! We took some time then to enjoy the outdoors looking out over everything. This experience was so refreshing and enlightening after feeling so down about myself for so long. As I have mentioned before, the organizers of the school of shamanic initiation were so helpful with everything. They prepared me ahead of time by sending emails with information on what we should expect, bring and know. I see why they invest so much time doing this preparation.

I had a really great time on the weekend and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for some peace of mind. The food was excellent, really simple, nothing fancy and it tasted so good! as were the activities they offered, it's not often that you find such an opportunity like this one so close to home. I'm happy I found out about the school of shamanic initiation and medicine wheel. If you feel a calling do not hesitate to reach out to them. 

Ma. G


To anyone who is looking for a change in their Life


Surrender and Understanding the Power within