My Experience to share with others

The School of Shamanic Initiation

Thank you for the follow up emails and your level of professionalism in this ongoing ceremony! Apologies that it's taken me this long to reach out to say hello, life has been very fulfilling lately.

I'd be happy to share some words about my experience that you are welcome to share with others. I had such a great experience.

Contact and Communication: First I'd start by stating how professional the outreach was from all the facilitators at the school. Drew performed a very quick initial interview to see if he felt I'd be suitable to join the specific group dates I was hoping to attend. His demeanor is calm, attentive, open, and honest. After we both felt like it was a match he started sending out newsletters about one month prior to our retreat dates and those newsletters really helped to keep the experience and my intention for the ceremony at front  and center of my perspective. It was helpful to delve into a deeper understanding of the dieta and ofrenda and to be open to a perspective that the ceremony begins well before the group meets in person. As the dates of the retreat got closer Drew very attentively made sure we had directions, a schedule, and that we were able to have some forethought about where we'd be meeting and what to expect and how to prepare. These details go an extraordinarily long way in helping to ensure you have a comfortable experience and are well prepared for the physical ordeals that a retreat will prompt from you.


Format and Function: As I arrived at the retreat site I was welcomed and immediately directed around the retreat site, shown where everything was (food, sleeping, ceremony) and Drew really made sure to let me know that if there was anything I needed or any questions I had that I should not hesitate to ask. He and the other facilitators were always available and willing to share their attention to make sure we felt comfortable. The format of the retreat functioned similar to how I might describe a wilderness therapy retreat. Medicine was administered in a group setting and each day there was always a sharing circle where each participant had a chance to share whatever they were going through. This group cohesiveness is one of the most powerful and profound aspects of the school's retreat format. Bonds were made and friendships were born in these circles and it was miraculous to see 14 strangers slowly acknowledge our unity and "oneness" in a completely organic way. The medicines themselves complemented each other, specifically Ayahuasca and San Pedro, the former being administered at night and the latter in the day, each connecting to the greater feminine and masculine cosmic energies. In that duality I was really able to acknowledge the greater forces of yin and yang and to ground the visions I'd had into a cohesive experience.


Medicine: The retreat I participated in consisted of 2 ayahuasca ceremonies, Rape, Sananga, and one San Pedro ceremony. These all worked on me in different ways and together they really informed and highlighted my intention for healing and experience in the warrior's path. Shaba was more than accommodating to make sure that all questions were answered for newcomers and the experienced as well. The medicines are powerful and potent but I always felt that my personal choice to take or not take a medicine was firmly in my own hands. I was never pressured to have any type of experience, my own free will was highly honored and I feel that the School of Shamanic Initiation is exceptional in this characteristic as the realm of psychedelic medicine and spirituality is often plagued by less than honorable and sometimes openly deceitful characters. I trusted each of the facilitators, not because I was told I must, or on any type of blind faith - I trusted them based on their behavior and actions moment to moment. I trusted them because they earned my respect.


Takeaways: The biggest takeaway I received is a message that Shaba repeats often and with total sincerity, "you are the medicine." Through these words I'm still nurturing an empowerment that I discovered through the four days and nights of the retreat. I had direct experience with the medicines, yes, and I remember the feelings as they were coursing through my body and mind. There was physical healing for me personally. Physical pain that I'd endured was replaced with balance of the body and freedom of movement. I learned that I have power to create and participate in my own reality and I was supported by Shaba and the other facilitators on this journey.


Shaba: Alright, it cannot be overstated how central Shaba's guidance and participation was in my experience. If you are looking for a guru who will tell you how to live your life, or dangle some carrot in front of you to keep you motivated, then look elsewhere. Shaba, in my perspective, has the unassuming combination of a regular guy who possesses the knowledge and insight of a sage. His words are true, and through his guidance there is truth to be found. For instance, on day two of our retreat I was concerned that this experience was going to become stale or boring as can happen when people get a little too focused on the inner workings of themselves in a group setting. I thought to myself, "is there any room for humor here?" And later that day Shaba was addressing the group in total seriousness and in his passionate discourse some profanity came out in the course of his speech. It was endearing and let me know that he is human just like me. He is not on a pedestal and he is not "holier than thou."  We all had a big laugh at the irony of his use of profanity in the midst of a talk about spirituality and there my question was immediately answered.


Love, Light, and Laughter


Anthony A.


Spiritual Journey with Madre Ayahuasca


Greetings Fellow Star Travelers