Spiritual Journey with Madre Ayahuasca

The School of Shamanic Initiation

My name is Linda and I would like to give my comments and recommendations to anyone who is interested in participating in the Ayahuasca Healing Experience near Austin, Texas.  The ceremony I attended in October of 2018 was officiated by Shaman Shaba and his assistant, Jessica.  There were several other ladies present who helped facilitate the ceremony, as well.  First, allow me to mention that I had attended four previous Ayahuasca ceremonies out of the country, so was familiar with the traditions and the plant medicine, but was pleasantly surprised to discover I could find the same, profoundly loving and healing space with Madre in my home state.

The ceremonies I attended were held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday on a beautiful piece of rural property where we set up our tents, had available a fully equipped and charming cabin nearby to eat our meals, use the bathroom, for showers, and for meetings and socializing.  Accommodations were more than adequate, all our needs were met, and the ladies prepared us delicious, vegan meals.  I can’t remember exactly how many people attended, but I believe somewhere between 20-25.  I fell in love with every beautiful soul present and remember each of their sweet faces, and I remember how kind and loving we all treated each other, with much respect and dignity, and unconditional support for each other’s goals and intentions with the plant medicine.

Shaba and his support team were a dream come true, experienced and knowledgeable, loving and kind, generous with their time.  They truly cared about each and every person in attendance, assisted each of us personally when requested to understand our particular needs and wishes for healing.  They clearly understood that we were there because we were hurting and struggling and looking to Madre for healing.  The ceremonies were beautiful, the ladies sweetly sang the icaros and Shaba roamed the ceremony grounds playing a lovely flute, allowing a soothing, peaceful, attentive, relaxing atmosphere for us to communicate with Madre and other Spirits.  I was very impressed with our Shaman, Shaba, who was quite knowledgeable about all different Amazonian plant medicines and freely shared them with us to fine tune our Ayahuasca experience.  The Ayahuasca he served us was high quality and magical.  Shaba imparted to us his spiritual wisdom and created a therapeutic atmosphere for healing.  I was also quite impressed with Shaba’s assistant, Jessica, who expertly and lovingly guided us every step of the way, always smiling, and instantly responsive to our needs.  They were the perfect team!  I have to add a short story about one night in ceremony when I was deep in a Aya dream state but needed to get to the toilet that was positioned away from our circle.  It was dark and I couldn’t get my head lamp to work, I was starting to panic, when suddenly, one of the facilitators noticed my dismay and instantly turned her flashlight onto the trail and followed me to the toilet.  Just an example of how we were closely watched over and cared for the entire weekend.

I have nothing but the highest praise for Shaba and his Austin team who were eager and enthusiastic, friendly and loving every second I was around them.  At the end of the three-day healing experience, I couldn’t believe it when Shaba stood in the circle with all of us attendees and addressed each of us in turn by our first names – he remembered and recalled our names!  It was just one more amazing example that showed he cared about each of us.  What I experienced at the Austin Ayahuasca retreat was cathartic, transformative and healing.  I left feeling uplifted, energized, happy and the feelings of empowerment that Madre gifted me that weekend has stayed with me.  I am eager to return to the next ceremony with Shaba, Jessica and the others to continue my Spiritual journey with Madre. 

Linda H.


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