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The School of Shamanic Initiation

I can see that it is important for me to share my story with you because the retreat has had such an impact on how I think about myself, who I want to be, and what I want out of life. It was very hard but also rewarding. I found myself sitting with my feet dangling off the edge of a cliff. I thought this was a way to get away from the daily grind and connect with oneself. I had been waiting for this moment since January when I signed up to participate in a retreat organized by The school of shamanic initiation. 

It was time to take the plunge and jump from one of many cliffs that surrounded me on all sides. The ceremonial space was marvelous. This is what it felt like: The air whipped around me as I fell through space, suspended by nothing but my own courage and faith. During the retreat I got the courage and jumped off of a cliff into water. Game changer.

I am so grateful that these people Shaba, Amit, Mila offer a space so I can disconnect from my everyday life and focus on the deep work I want to do for myself. This journey helped me clear out all the negative energy in my body, mind, and spirit. The best part of it all? All that weight left me feeling lighter than ever before. The experience was one of self awareness and deep introspection. 

It was not easy to come up with some objectives after going through it. However, I asked myself. What would I like to do differently in my life? Then everything cleared up. 

The most difficult part was surrender which required me to really listen within myself and make sense of what happened during the weekend stay. Food was delicious, and the care of all the suggestions, tips is invaluable. I would recommend my experience with these healers to anyone who is looking for an opportunity to re-evaluate their life. The benefits of the teachings are not limited only to those who want to learn more about spirituality or ingest some kind of brew. Anyone, no matter what they believe or where they come from can find something valuable and new inside themselves during these days that we spent together. If you have been considering going on a similar type of journey, I encourage you do it. You will not regret it.



A Letter to fellow participants. My Personal Experience


Spiritual Journey with Madre Ayahuasca